Even though I’m your older sibling; I don’t have any recollection of the day you were born. The best memories of that time is housed between the pale pink hard cover of your baby memory book – your podgy body taking up the whole hospital basinet, and me lurking around on some page titled “best friends”, sporting two pony tails and a red gown. I have no concept of what life was like before you…nor what life is like without you. You’ve just always been there. An irreplaceable fixture in my life!
Come to think of it; I have no idea of what it feels like to be an older sister at all either! While our older siblings were categorised as “the oldest”, and carried a certain superiority over us because of their age; we were partnered up as the youngest – a title I despised until the last decade or so…when being on the right side of 40 can still bring me some comfort and relief 😉 It also means, that despite our age difference, we’ve always been raised on an even keel – no difference or distinction – no contrast or separation…except maybe for that one time you threatened to call your older sister to help settle a dispute when we were in Primary School – and that older sister was me.
And now you’re turning a year older…which is kind of strange because I don’t think we can put you and ageing into the same sentence. Nor is it fair to associate you with ever getting old, because…besides fooling all the kids into believing you’re 21 for y e a r s; being the youngest gives you the privilege of staying young no matter what – right!
Instead, as the years roll by, I feel like you’re getting bolder instead of older! Adding years to your portfolio has been no excuse to fade into the sunset. If anything, it has given rise to a whole host of possibilities that you may have been too afraid to explore before. And if I’ve learnt anything from observing you through the passing years, then it’s that getting older has certainly not made you old – it has made you more bold, made you stronger, more resilient, determined, adventurous and driven. And finally, after all these years, I don’t mind being categorised as the same age group as you anymore – which I’m sure is not what mom meant all those years back when branding us as the youngest…but I’m going with that anyway. Even if only to feel 21 for another few years 😉 Happy Birthday little sister! It’s been an honour and a privilege having you by my side throughout my life.
About This Look
I’d like to think, that for once, an outfit by Moon was inspired by me! We generally share a similar style – except when it comes to floral prints. Which is why I’m super chuffed that she stepped out of her comfort zone with this particular ensemble. The maxi shirt dress is definitely a hot trend at the moment; as is this bold colour – and when paired together with a denim skinny and tan boots; it makes a definite style statement that perfectly encapsulates this season as well as Moon’s current motto – Be Bold. Be Bright. Be YOU!
Outfit Details
Dress : Old Khaki
Jeans, Bag & Boots : Woolworths
Photographs : SM Photography
Thanks for reading!