My Top Favourite Things to do When I Need to Unwind


I feel like every time I start a blog post, I complain about how busy life is. One would think, that as a stay at home mom, I’d have a lot of time on my hands; but the truth is that I always feel like I’m juggling too many balls – and I think that I may actually have less time on my hands because I’m a stay at home mom! There just always seems to be a long list of chores to get through and a quarter dozen kids’ schedules to keep up with.  I know that time is a luxury in today’s busy lifestyle; but the only way I manage to stay sane amidst all the chaos, is to put aside some time to do things that really matter to me.

Over the years this list has evolved quite considerably. Reading a book, baking and hiding away from my kids in the bathroom would have rank right at the top of the list not so long ago; but I haven’t actually gotten lost in a good book in quite some time, and I’m finding being stuck in a kitchen more of a chore than a charm (horrible, I know!) – but I do  still occasionally hide from my kids in the bathroom!

For this post, I’ve partnered with Abieda from Crazy Mom Journal and Nadia from Shiny Sequins Blog to write about our favourite indulgences to escape the rollercoaster called motherhood and life in generalSo…when I’m not stuck in traffic or making meals…or carting kids too and fro…or racing against time, these are the things I like to do to unwind – and when you’re done reading here, don’t forget to pop over to their blogs and check out their posts as well.


Laying sprawled out like a starfish on my bed : It’s an odd one to start off with, I know…but I’m up from 5:30 every morning making lunches and making my way through crazy traffic…so when the last person exits the door in the morning (usually my hubby at around 8:30), and there isn’t a pile of washing that needs to be done – or even if it’s the end of a particularly busy afternoon – or whenever the opportunity arises when there’s a break in the chaos -15 minutes of laying sprawled out like a starfish on my bed, helps me recover from the rush.


Writing & Blogging: Writing has always been a way of unburdening my soul. It’s therapeutic and cathartic and very often where I find resolve for my feelings and thoughts – and it’s one of the main reasons I started this blog. Blogging has become quite an industry; but for me, it’s still about the art of rhythmically stringing words together to form a story, and also a means to preserve my family’s memories. When I find it gets too overwhelming, I take a mini break – but the desire to write and share my story always pulls me back.



Exercise : I haven’t been doing enough of this lately, but nothing really beats the endorphin high after a workout! It really is quality time spent calming your mind while enhancing the body and I find that I always function best when I maintain an active lifestyle.



Facials & Spa treatments: Setting time aside for my regular treatments and looking after myself is important to me. I’m not always as punctual as I should be and the grey hairs that are peeping out more often than not is a testament to that, but self-care is non negotiable and I always leave a treatment feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. It really does do wonders in boosting an overall feeling of wellness.


Coffee dates with family & friends: Sometimes it’s difficult maintaining personal relationships when life is already so busy. And sometimes I’ve literally got to clear out a morning in my schedule just to touch base with a special friend; but it’s important to me to invest time into meaningful friendships. And there’s nothing like laughter and a quick catch up  session with friends to help take a little of the weight off my shoulders.



Reading other blogs: I like catching up and reading the latest posts from my favourite bloggers. If I have a spare minute or few, then it’s a great way to unwind.



Date Nights: Oh to be young and carefree again! You can’t turn back time, but you can definitely make the best of your time. Sometimes we like to dress up and go out, and sometimes we just sit outside on our balcony – soaking up the silence while watching the stars and sipping on a cuppa something or the other – revelling in each others company and indulging in conversation. It’s this practice of making time for our relationship that keeps it thriving…and keeps me sane in an otherwise chaotic existence.


About this outfit

One of my current favourite dresses from one of my favourite local designers!  It combines some of my favourite elements of my signature style combinations – floral and maxi! The long sleeve gives it a dressier feel without having me feeling overdressed, and makes it perfect for the transitional season we’re currently in. On this occasion I paired the dress with a bold necklace, statement ring and dainty earrings.





Now go check out what these ladies have to say about their Me Time Favourites!


Shiny Sequins Blog                                                                                                          Crazy Mom Journal


Dress : Human Image

Ring : Lovisa

Earrings : Gift

Necklace : Gift

Photographs by : Farhana Jaffer & Raqeeb Sonday



Thanks for reading!







    • This 10 day break was so great for catching my breath again. We didn’t do much…which is exactly what we needed!

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