I used to ask my husband this question a lot while we were dating…when I was young and in my prime! In the beginning, I wanted it to be something physical. Maybe my eyes or my smile…but all through the years (over 17 in total) his answer has never changed. The beauty he saw in me then still lingers, deep beneath the layers of my imperfect skin and is nestled in my heart (or so he says)!
I was never satisfied with this simple response, feeling that in some way I was inadequate…myself erroneously equating beauty and desirability as a physical attribute. But I see the beauty and wisdom in his answer now. Though my physical appearance has altered and changed through our years together, he has found beauty in something intangible to the naked eye. Sometimes it takes someone else to look beyond our physical form…to peel away our mortal layers…and find what lies within us all. For true beauty is not seen, but felt in our gestures towards others!
And so, in us all lies something unique…something beautiful. A specialness that makes us shine! I’ve decided to start this series, showcasing everyday women with extraordinary souls; looking beyond face value and finding what makes them beautiful, through MY eyes.